Sunday, September 18, 2011

"I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (tunnel=MTC) (good tunnel, but a very long one)"

Kumusta po kayo!
Things have been going very well here in the MTC. We have had some outstanding experiences learning and growing. One unique opportunity of the MTC is hearing from General Authorities. We had the privilege of hearing from Elder Jefferey R. Holland and Elder M. Russell Ballard. The Spirit that they both brought was impactful. I was especially excited to hear Holland's message because he is my favorite speaker. He spoke on how important our responsibility as missionaries was. It was very motivational.
We received our flight plans this past Thursday!!! We leave Tuesday 27th at 8:00pm and fly through the night to LA, Hong Kong and finally to Manila. The flight is over 20 hours long. All of us in my district are beyond excited. They say that it is very hard to focus after getting your flight plans, but we are still doing a good job and continuing to learn. We realize that the language is going to ROCK us when we get to the Philippines. We are like babies walking into a live press conference and expected to speak to an entire nation. Let's just say we will be relying on the Spirit a little bit.
Although entering the mission field will be very challenging, I know the Lord and will help me to carry out His work. I have witnessed His presense and influence in my life and I have a testimony of the Holy Ghost's guidance. Even in our training here at the MTC in teaching "investigators" (volunteers/teachers), I have been lead by the Spirit to share the gospel in a way that allows the person to progress and come unto Christ. I am confident that the Lord will provide the way for me to help others feel the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and strengthen their relationship with our Father in Heaven.
Alam ko po na totoo ang ebanghelyo ni Jesucristo at mahal ng Diyos lahat mga anak Niya. I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve a mission and I am commited to doing my best to help others come unto Christ.
Mahal kita!
Elder Stallings

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 7!

Pasentya para hindi nagsalita po ako sa ninyo. Magsisisi po ako. Sorry my letters and emails have been sparse. I promise I will send a big, long message either tomorrow or Sunday answering all of your questions and filling you in.
Much love,
Elder Stallings

Week 5

Kumusta po kayo!

Time is flying by here. We just got 2 new districts in our zone this past Wednesday. A total of 24 new elders! That is a lot considering our group only had 7. We are no longer the "young" elders. It's fun having our turn to overwhelm the new elders by speaking a ton of Tagalog to them and them having no idea what to say. It reminds me of how far we have come over these couple of weeks. I recognize that it is through the Spirit that we have been able to do so. We are all very close now within our zone. It's great having a lot of brothers (I still love you, Sierra, Lindsey and Kami).

We had a unique experience this past Saturday at the temple. Our zone leader, Elder Smith, is from Milton, Ga. I had met him only a couple times before coming here. His sister and family were in our session because his sister was receiving her endowment and getting married the next day. He received permission to attended the session while his family was there. It was a very special moment for elder Smith and he was very greatful to be able to be there. Seeing their whole family together in the Celestial room made me miss my family so much. Saturdays have turned into our favorite days because of our opportunity to attend the temple. Those days seem to be nothing but positive.

We are able to access during our personal study time. My companion played a video that I hadn't seen in a long time and I wanted to encourage you all to watch it again as well. It is the Mormon Messages video of Jeffrey R Holland entitled "Testimony of The Book of Mormon." I love the straightforward and powerful speaking of Elder Holland.

I would also like to share a scripture reference that I have used freguently in teaching our "progressing investigators." Moroni 10:3-5. This has been a great tool in turning our investigators to our Heavenly Father and triggering their desire to know of the truth for themselves.

I am loving this opportunity to serve the Lord more and more each day. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me reach this point again. I love and miss you all!

Mahal ko kayo!
Elder Stallings

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Letter August 5th

We have gym every day. You can play just about any sport that isn't a
contact sport. I play volleyball, basketball and soccer all of the
time. They have a track and weight machines as well. We have started
lifting and plan on getting RIPPED. The food is alright. Just like
Cannon center food... except it doesn't digest as well... don't worry
about it. The beds aren't very nice but, as you know, I am comfortable
sleeping anywhere.

I'm not discouraged about the language. We are learning so quickly and
I am comfortable with learning languages, I'm pretty good at it. I
love the language too. Sounds awesome.

I actually have 2 companions! First, I was paired with Elder Dayan
McDonald from Payson, Utah. Now we picked up another companion, Elder
Jordan Thompson from Mesa, Arizona. We have already become very close.
Although it can be very challenging having a companion... it can be
easy to become impatient. But overall, they are great!

Going to bed at 10:30 is hard. Haven't done that since
the 6th grade. But you have to or else you are exhausted the next day
after waking up at 6:30.

Time is blending together. We don't pay attention to time at all. We
measure everything by our experiences. It's easy because we have so
many. If time flies by this quickly, we'll be out in the field in no
time. We're all so pumped about the Philippines!

We went to the Provo temple today. It was a cool experience going
through as missionaries with your companions. It's so different from
the Atlanta temple. They also have a caffeteria where we had an
amazing breakfast. (A miracle after choking down the MTC food.)

We are all growing so much and growing closer together as a district
and zone. I know that this is exactly where I want to be at this time
in my life. I know that I am called of God and I am anxious to serve

Alam ko po na totoo po ang ebanheylio.

I love and miss you all!

Elder Michael Stallings

1st letter from Elder Stallings, July 30th 2011

Hey everyone!
These first three days have been insane. It's been a little overwhelming. The first day we were just herded around like sheep. There were about 600 new missionaries on my check-in day. Only 3 from Georgia. I ran into a lot of my friends the first day. It was so great to see them all in here, doing the same thing, preparing to serve. It was hard remembering to call them Elder rather than their first names. The spirit of this place can't be missed. Everywhere you go and everything you do is accompanied by The Spirit. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. We went to meet our district in the classroom that we will be learning Tagalog in for the whole two months. As soon as we walked in, we were thrown into the language. Our teacher, Brother Mansfield, spoke nothing but Tagalog. That's how it has been the whole time. They are doing this as part of the new learning program. We are the first to have this new program. They think it will work better if we are always immersed in the language. It is challenging to try and interpret everything he is trying to teach using no english. It's working though. I'm amazed at how much we've already learned in just two and a half days. We have already learned how to pray and bear our testimonies. Yesterday, our second day, we were already required to teach an "investigator" in Tagalog. This was very difficult. We knock on the door, greet her, but we don't even know how to ask if we can come in. So we stand at the door, blank-faced and stupid. Other experienced speakers in the hall had to whisper to us what to say. Although it was somewhat of a failure, it was a good experience to get the feel for what goals we need to reach. We teach her again today... Round two of humiliation. I am getting humbled very quickly. My time is almost up. That went way too fast. I miss you guys already! I hope everything is great! I have already grown so much. I am very blessed to be here.
Elder Stallings

Elder Stallings in the MTC

        Michael entered the Mission Training Center (MTC) in Utah on July 27th 2011, and will be there until September 27th when he leaves for the Philippines.
soon to be in Quezon City!

all of the new missionaries that will be heading to the Philippines with  Elder Stallings!
Much of his time here is spent learning Tagalog, which is the language he will be using the next 2 years.

Hi Everyone!

This blog is updated by Michael's family while he is serving his church mission for the next 2 years, because he only has internet access for e-mail. We will be posting pictures and letters we receive from him, so all his friends and family can keep track of his time in the Philippines! You can also hear from him personally through letter and email, which is his preferred way to keep in touch with you write him! His addresses are on the right side bar. Check back often!