Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 5

Kumusta po kayo!

Time is flying by here. We just got 2 new districts in our zone this past Wednesday. A total of 24 new elders! That is a lot considering our group only had 7. We are no longer the "young" elders. It's fun having our turn to overwhelm the new elders by speaking a ton of Tagalog to them and them having no idea what to say. It reminds me of how far we have come over these couple of weeks. I recognize that it is through the Spirit that we have been able to do so. We are all very close now within our zone. It's great having a lot of brothers (I still love you, Sierra, Lindsey and Kami).

We had a unique experience this past Saturday at the temple. Our zone leader, Elder Smith, is from Milton, Ga. I had met him only a couple times before coming here. His sister and family were in our session because his sister was receiving her endowment and getting married the next day. He received permission to attended the session while his family was there. It was a very special moment for elder Smith and he was very greatful to be able to be there. Seeing their whole family together in the Celestial room made me miss my family so much. Saturdays have turned into our favorite days because of our opportunity to attend the temple. Those days seem to be nothing but positive.

We are able to access during our personal study time. My companion played a video that I hadn't seen in a long time and I wanted to encourage you all to watch it again as well. It is the Mormon Messages video of Jeffrey R Holland entitled "Testimony of The Book of Mormon." I love the straightforward and powerful speaking of Elder Holland.

I would also like to share a scripture reference that I have used freguently in teaching our "progressing investigators." Moroni 10:3-5. This has been a great tool in turning our investigators to our Heavenly Father and triggering their desire to know of the truth for themselves.

I am loving this opportunity to serve the Lord more and more each day. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me reach this point again. I love and miss you all!

Mahal ko kayo!
Elder Stallings

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