Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The winds have settled now. But the winds in my head are still bustling. Tagalog Tagalog Tagalog. I have become far to frustrated. I need to relax and be more positive. When I become negative and frustrated, it makes it far more difficult to learn. It's hard hearing about how well the language is coming for my good friend Elder Br. I can't help but compare myself to him and feel behind. Ugh.

I included a picture of the outside of our apartment in my Christmas package. I am sending the package right after we are done emailing here. I hope that package makes it there without any problems. 

For Thanksgiving we are either going to order 4 larges pizzas from Pizza Hut (this is luxury dining) or throw in the best food item that we have and share it all. Either way, we will be sure to eat like kings on that day. That's one thing that we are very talented at...eating.

We went to the temple this morning. Woke up at 3 am in order to get the entire zone in the jeepney and there on-time for the 6 oclock session. It was great. Going to the temple is such a spiritually boosting experience, every time. Now I need to keep my spirits up and not let the language get me down anymore. 

I am learning so much. About the Gospel and about life in general. I thank Heavenly Father everyday for my opportunity to be here. I still have a lot to learn and I plan to learn as much as possible

Thanks for your continued support and prayers! You are in my prayers as well!

Elder Stallings

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