Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter 11/9/11

He (recent convert) is doing really well. The members are starting to welcome him in but I feel like they still need to do more. Member relationships are so important for new members. Especially here. People have a higher tendency of becoming wishy-washy with their activity in a short amount of time. This is because it can be difficult to come to church when they need to work and save money for supporting themselves. Just paying the 8 pesos to come to church on a jeepney is a sacrifice for many. 

The church is pretty similar to back home. There are probably around 100 members who come to church each week. The building is very nice. The bishopric is very wealthy. Almost all bishoprics in every area are because it is easier for them to be active and full tithe payers. People are often less involved in there callings. For example, the ward mission leader has never done anything. We are trying to get him more involved right now. There are also a couple meetings that aren't being held such as the Ward Council and PEC. But everyone is very, very nice. 

As far as wetness goes, it's a pretty good balance between sweat and rain. It really does rain a lot. Good thing I enjoy rain. It is nice because it cools down the temperature quite a bit.Thank you for remembering me and my health in your prayers. I definitely need help communicated with everyone. The language is so difficult. I have become pretty frustrated the past week. I'm trying to stay positive. 

This week is transfer week. Tomorrow is transfer day. That's why our P-day is late. Elder B and I are staying. We have been a tri-panionship with Elder G for the past 2 weeks. But now he is leaving. We are getting 3 new elders in our house tomorrow. 3. That's crazy. They are sending a new tri-panionship into the area. We will have to show them around because B knows their area. With all of the disobedience in our zone this past transfer, a lottttt of elders are leaving. Plus they are splitting the zone in half and making two different zones. Crazy. Missionary work has really grown here in our mission. The number of new elders in our zone right now is apparently ridiculously high. Very green mission. So tomorrow I get to go to transfer meeting down in the center of Quezon because my comp is the lone zone leader. The elder who went home was our other zone leader. He was in our house. Anyway, the dynamic of our zone is about to change drastically. 

The past two weeks have been weird. Being in a tri-pan is so different. I mean, I'm used to it from the MTC, but it is always more difficult. We worked half in our area and half in Elder G's. So our numbers for our area have been very low. Also, I have been kinda down because I am having a hard time communicating and understanding what is going on. Especially because my two comps talk to each other in Tagalog a lot. I just feel like I should be progressing faster than I am. It has been a rough couple of weeks. I can't fully be myself if I can't communicate. I become shy. "Bakit ka tihimik?" is the question I get. "Why are you quiet?". I mean they understand, but still. I'm hangin in there. I know it will come. I need to be more patient. 

But it is all good! This is all expected with new missionaries. I am still loving being here. Good things are happening. We are getting work done. We have another baptism coming up on Nov 19. Francis P. We are excited for him. Soon to be a completed family.

I gotta get moving on. Thanks for your email! Hope all is well at home and at work!

Elder Stallings

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