Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Latest letter! 1/17/12

It is helping SO much to have a native companion. I have noticed my language skills improving much more rapidly. Plus, we get along really well so that helps everything. 

I am so thankful to be here. I feel I have learned and grown so much. But I also feel very inadequate at times. My knowledge and strength in the Gospel isn't up to par with a lot of the other missionaries here. I am trying my best not to compare myself to others and just focus on improving. But I also feel that I have been able to make a fairly significant impact in people's lives while being here. I'm thankful to have that opportunity to use my strengths and share the Lord's message. 

Our church is very close. It's a little over 5 minutes by jeepney. Pretty convenient. There are two other chapels within 10 minutes of us too.

I just finished reading the BOM. Sadly, this was the first time I have read it cover to cover. But that's ok. I have learned so much and have felt of it's truthfulness very strongly while reading. My testimony of it has been greatly strengthened. It is amazing to have such a powerful guide in our lives, like it says in 1 Ne 19:23 (I think...maybe it's 32. I'm doing my best to memorize them). It has helped me with my reading speed as well. I'm still slow, but I've noticed an increase in my speed and retention rate. Learning from the scriptures and sharing from the scriptures has been such a blessing for me. 

It absolutely is the correct decision to be focusing on the less-actives. 22% of all members in the Philippines come to church...there are 659,000 members total. No more explanation is needed. 

It is a pretty hard job, but I agree, this is the best job in the world. So happy to be here.

Thanks for your continued love and support. I miss you guys!

Elder Stallings

1 comment:

  1. How cool to make a blog of Michaels mission. Maybe I ought to think about doing the same. It is fun to read his letters He sounds like he is loving the mission.
